About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Transport and Land Use is the leading international journal that publishes original interdisciplinary papers on the interaction of transport and land use. The Editors welcome original submissions across the globe and from a wide range of domains, including engineering, planning, modeling, behavior, economics, geography, regional science, sociology, architecture and design, network science, and complex systems. Papers reporting ground-breaking contributions in the field of transport and land use, whether from an empirical, theoretical, methodological, or policy perspective, are especially encouraged.

JTLU accepts two types of submission:

  • Articles: report original data analysis and advance theory or methods (including applying methods in novel ways or to new questions). They are typically 4,000-10,000 words, but there is no specific word count.
  • Literature Reviews: comprehensively and authoritatively describe any subject within the journal's scope. They have an educational aim and are typically 4,000-10,000 words, but there is no specific word count.

See the submissions page for Author Guidelines.

Publication Frequency

JTLU is published on an ongoing basis.

Open Access Policy

JTLU provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Fees

JTLU is open access and online-only. There is no charge for the submission of papers. Once the submission is reviewed and accepted for publication, authors will be invoiced one of the following rates for article processing which includes editing and layout:

  • $1,000 per paper for authors with a WSTLUR affiliation
  • $1,500 per paper for authors without a WSTLUR affiliation

All authors are encouraged to seek funds to support publication of their accepted papers if possible. See this list of Open Access Journal Funds for potential sources. Contact the Editor-in-Chief and managing editor for a potential waiver on the fee. Decisions to publish are only based on editorial criteria.


The publication of JTLU is made possible by support from the Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota and the World Society of Transport and Land Use Research (WSTLUR).