The role of perceived satisfaction and the built environment on the frequency of cycle-commuting

Tomás Echiburú


Ricardo Hurtubia


Juan Carlos Muñoz




Understanding how several street attributes influence the frequency of cycle commuting is relevant for policymaking in urban planning. However, to better understand the impact of the built environment on people's choices, we must understand the subjective experience of individuals while cycling. This study examines the relationship between perceived satisfaction and the attributes of the built environment along the route.

Data was collected from a survey carried out within one district of Santiago’s central business district (N=2,545). It included socio-demographic information, origin-destination and route, travel behavior habits, and psychometric indicators. Two models were estimated. The first, a satisfaction latent variable model by mode, confirms previous findings in the literature, such as the correlation between cycling and a more enjoyable experience, while adding some new findings. For instance, satisfaction increases with distance and the number of trips per week. The second is a hybrid ordered logit model for cycle commuting frequency that includes satisfaction, through a structural equation, that shows this latent variable plays a significant role in travel behavior.

The presence of buses along the route decreases cycling satisfaction and frequency, while the trip length and the availability of cycle paths has the opposite effect for male and female cyclists. These results allow us to understand the main factors that deliver satisfaction to cyclists and therefore induce frequent cycle commuting. Overall, our study provides evidence of the need for policymakers to focus their strategies so as to effectively promote cycling among different types of commuters.


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