Divergence of potential state-level performance measures to assess transportation and land use coordination
John S Miller
Virginia Transportation Research Council
Linda D Evans
Virginia Transportation Research Council
Performance Measurement, Measures of Effectiveness, Transport and Land Use Coordination, Performance Standards
Although performance measures encourage agreement in other disciplines, measures for state transportation and land use may engender disagreement among stakeholders. A literature review and a survey of 25 states and three metropolitan planning organizations identified 41 such measures. No single measure best quantifies effective coordination because this coordination supports potentially conflicting goals, such as better access management and
increased local autonomy. Further, when measures are computed under four benevolent scenarios that each generate the support of some stakeholders (reduced transit costs, reduced congestion, increased local autonomy, and increased compact development) some performance measures indicate improvement and others do not.
Author Biographies
John S Miller, Virginia Transportation Research Council
Associate Principal Research Scientist
Linda D Evans, Virginia Transportation Research Council
Public Relations & Marketing Practitioner