Planning for cycling in local government: Insights from national surveys in Australia and New Zealand
Courtney Babb
School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University
Sam McLeod
School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University
Conor Noone
School of Design and the Built Environment, Curtin University
Keywords: Cycling, Local Government, Survey, Local Planners, Civil Engineers, Cycle Planning, Car Dependency
Despite a broad consensus that cycling can address a range of transportation issues, many countries have struggled to institute measures to increase cycling participation. Even for cities that have achieved marked progress, there remains a gap in making cycling a truly normative mode of transportation. The practical problem of translating research and converting policy vision into broad-based cycling participation has become an increasingly central focus of international cycling scholarship. To examine the challenges of practically planning for cycling, we focus on the role of local government and report on a survey of all urban and major regional local governments in Australia and New Zealand. By analyzing results across the two countries, we diagnose challenges faced by practitioners in implementing measures to support cycling. Key findings suggest there is support among local government officers and stakeholders for cycling to play an increased role in daily transportation, yet this support is much more mixed at the implementation stage of cycling plans, policies, and infrastructure projects. These findings indicate a pressing need to better equip local government practitioners with tools and knowledge to overcome barriers to providing for cycling, particularly in increasingly politicized and complex contexts.
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